Military Honor Cord
The military honor cord was established to recognize those who have honorably served, are serving, or are commissioned to serve in the United States Armed Forces for their dedication to duty and sacrifice. It is awarded to graduating active service members, veterans, and newly- commissioned Reserve Officer Training Corps students (ROTC). Personnel serving in state militias are not eligible for the military honor cord.
The military honor cord is a red, white, and blue braided cord that is worn around the student’s neck with the cap and gown during the University commencement ceremony. The honor cord is presented to student veterans and service members by the university president at the Military Honor Cord Ceremony at the University Park Campus during graduation week. If students are unable to attend the Military Honor Cord Ceremony, they can obtain their military honor cord from their campus School Certifying Official (SCO) prior to commencement. ROTC students received their honor cords at their commissioning ceremony.
Students who have already been granted priority registration status are automatically eligible for an honor cord in the semester they are graduating. Veterans or active duty students who have not been granted priority registration can visit the Educational Equity website for instructions on required proof of service and where to submit the required documentation to obtain an honor cord.
Questions about obtaining a military honor cord should be directed to the Office of Veterans Programs by phone at 814-863-0465 or email at ovp@psu.edu and questions about the Military Honor Cord Ceremony should be directed to the Office of Veterans Affairs and Services by phone at 814-863-0764 or email at sdvas@psu.edu.