Military Id’s
For renewal of Military IDs, an ID Card Office locator is available online for locations and information at https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator.
What Happens When a Military Dependent Turns 21 and is still a Full-Time Student?
Military Dependent ID Cards Expire
- A military dependent’s ID card expires on his/her 21st birthday and must renew his/her military ID. The following forms at minimum will need to be provided. *
- DD Form 1172-2
- Proof of enrollment as a full-time student. This can be accessed in LionPATH. Enrollment Verifications | Penn State Office of the University Registrar (psu.edu)
- You may request your verification using one of three methods:
- Online using LionPATH. Select “Academic Records” and then “Enrollment Verification.” From here you may:
- Request an official copy of your verification to be mailed to you or a third-party. (“Request Institution to Mail”)
- Produces an official verification to be mailed the following business day by U.S. first-class mail (International addresses via air mail.
- View and print an unofficial copy of your verification. (“Allow to Print from My Browser”)
- If you are supplying the verification in response to a request from a third party, you should first ensure that an unofficial copy is acceptable to the requestor. Otherwise, request an official copy to be mailed directly to the requestor or direct the requestor to the National Student Clearinghouse, Penn State’s authorized provider of verifications to third parties.
- By fax or mail
- Complete the Enrollment Verification Form or send a letter.
- Mail to: Office of the University Registrar, Transcript/Verification Department, 112 Shields Building, University Park, PA 16802-1271 or
- Fax to: 814-863-1929
- Maximum three business day response from receipt of request to mailing by U.S. first-class mail (International address via air mail).
- Requestor will not be notified of either receipt or completion of their request.
- Special mailing services available for a fee (instructions below).
- In person at the Office of the University Registrar in 112 Shields Building, University Park campus.
- You may request your verification using one of three methods:
*Please refer to the local RAPIDs office to confirm the required documentation. ID Card Office Online (osd.mil) and to make an appointment.
The State College Air National Guard Unit near University Park Airport occasionally offers these services. SSgt Amanda Hannah is their point of contact for assistance and can be reached at 814-235-5100.
Tricare Options
- Military dependents can get TRICARE until their 23rd birthday or graduation (whichever is first) if enrolled full time at an approved college. The sponsor must provide at least 50% of the child’s financial support while in college.
- Health plans and how dependents get care depend on the sponsor’s military status and where they go to college.
- Contact an ID card office to see what documents are needed to extend benefits beyond the 21st birthday.
- After turning 23 or graduating, dependents may qualify to purchase TRICARE Young Adult.
- If the dependent doesn’t purchase TRICARE Young Adult, he or she can purchase the Continued Health Care Benefit Program.
See Tricare’s website for further information. Children Becoming Adults | TRICARE.