Priority Registration
Priority registration allows veterans, active duty service members, and reservists to schedule classes ahead of the general student population. Priority registration benefits students by giving them early access to schedule high-demand classes thus increasing the probability of getting the class that they want at the time they want.
How do I know if I have priority registration?
If you are uncertain whether you have requested priority registration in the past, check the home page of your LionPath account under Enrollment Appointment.
How early can I register?
Priority registration dates differ by campus location. Contact your campus registrar to determine which date is applicable to you.
How do I request priority registration?
World Campus students
Penn State World Campus students interested in priority registration can find information on how to request priority registration on World Campus’s Services for Military and Veteran Students page. All other campuses will have their priority registration processed through the Office of Veterans Programs at University Park.
Residential Campus Students
The Office of Veterans Programs (OVP) will verify your benefit eligibility/use and will make the appropriate changes in LionPath. Submit the required documentation to the Office of Veterans Programs by mail, fax or email:
Office of Veterans Programs
The Pennsylvania State University
146 Ritenour Building
University Park, PA 16802-5901
Phone: 814-863-0465
Fax: 814-865-3815
Email: ovp@psu.edu
Students using Chapters 30, 31, 1606, 1607 benefits
Submit an email request to ovp@psu.edu. OVP will verify your benefit eligibility/use and will make the appropriate changes in LionPath.
Students using Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits:
Scan and email a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility to ovp@psu.edu.
Veteran, active duty, or reservist students who are not using a military education benefit, but wish to receive priority registration:
Send a copy of the Member 2 or Member 4 section of your DD 214 (indicating character of discharge) to the Office of Veterans Programs. Please annotate your DD 214 with your Penn State ID number and Penn State email address.
Actively serving military members:
Send a letter from your commander stating your dates and characterization of service. This letter must be signed by your commander.
Dependents of military members, including those using a transferred educational benefit:
Not eligible for priority registration.
Visit Penn State Educational Equity to learn more.